#Cucitialcuore: Diario di un padre fortunato (Italian Edition)

#Cucitialcuore: Diario di un padre fortunato (Italian Edition)

B. inggris Sekolah Dasar Turn all of those 4 (four) verbs into past tense and tell us an activity or something you did in the past using all 4 (four) verbs:
1. Had
2. Took
3. Made
4. Gave

Sample Narration:
I (had) a weekend break at Puncak last month. I didn't want to go alone for the trip so I (took) my best friend with me. We (made) so many spontaneous decisions but it was still a good short trip. The trip (gave) us a refreshing sense of feeling.

Help me plss

Thank youu

Turn all of those 4 (four) verbs into past tense and tell us an activity or something you did in the past using all 4 (four) verbs:
1. Had
2. Took
3. Made
4. Gave

Sample Narration:
I (had) a weekend break at Puncak last month. I didn't want to go alone for the trip so I (took) my best friend with me. We (made) so many spontaneous decisions but it was still a good short trip. The trip (gave) us a refreshing sense of feeling.

Help me plss

Thank youu


i (had) a dinner with my family at my favorite restaurant tonight, my mom said i have to look beautiful, so i (took) all my dress out and try to figure it out what should i wear tonight, and i (made) my decision, i Will wearing a blue dress, and when i tell my mom about the dress that i Will wear tonight, my mom (gave) me an applause because she thinks i Will look pretty in that dress
